If you have encountered the following error codes 2503 & 2502 like below:
Please follow the following steps to solve the issue:
1. Navigate to Windows Temp folder located at c:\windows\temp.
2. Right Click on the folder and press properties.
3. Make sure you uncheck read-only by the attributes section.
4. Switch to the Security Tab and choose Administrators and make sure it is highlighted.
5. Make sure that there is a check box next to Full Control for the Administrators and Users group.
6. Click Apply then OK.
Now that we've obtained the necessary permissions for the Administrator group, please proceed with another attempt to install or uninstall as you were trying to do earlier. There's no need to reboot before retrying. If you encounter the same 2502 and 2503 errors again, return to the security tab where you were previously and add the Authenticated Users group, granting them Full Control as well. Following these steps, your uninstall or install process should now work smoothly.
Should you continue to encounter errors, please feel free to reach out to our support team for further assistance.
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